rouxls kaard
spamton laughing and artifacting noelle strangling berdly the queen (deltarune) laughing and throwing her glass on the ground deltarune checker tile jumping jevil jumping and laughing sonic running a basset hound writing in a journal a dog opening and closing a mailbox from the inside a bernese mountain dog wagging its tail a small dog wagging its tail a cat snoozing in a stroller a low-quality bat flying a rotating smiley face a snoozing purple emoji a sunglasses smiley face dancing a picture being taken of the viewer a rotating sunglasses-wearing sun a red skull shaking its head no a skeleton doing ballet a skeleton over the text 'you don't stand a ghost of a chance a running skeleton an xray of a human with various organs being highlighted a hand holding a bloody heart some cool symbol i forget the source of... sorry a frowning rotating face yuo = fagot kankri vantas talking garfield typing with 'j'attends ton mail' above him the shower scene from psycho, but the shadow of the knife is revealed to be a duck carlton doing the carlton
A luxurious selection, indeed...
wait what the fuck is spamton doing here

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Snails & Slugs