Swag Web Sites
note: i elected not to use alt text on this page because the buttons would just say the site name again, and i feel like having to hear the site names twice would make it less accessible and more irritating.
also, if your site is on here, feel free to ask for me to change your description/adjective! "swag" is the default, but i will use any other POSITIVE and/or neutral ones. i'm not gonna insult you, brah!
My friemnds :]

crtscreen: the swag personal/political writing site of my partner

droonkid: the swag personal site of my best friend that i doubt he will ever update ever but that's ok bc i love him

asteromorph: a swag art/personal site

datoxicwaltz: a swag art/personal site

fearofmusic: a swag art/personal site

leusyth: a swag art/personal site

madewithrealsugar: a swag photography/personal site

manyface: a swag art/personal site

shinyexe: a swag sprite/personal site

ttaxyy: a swag art/personal site

angel number 222: a swag art/writing/personal site

worm-lungs: a swag art/personal site
Original and Fan Fiction Concepts/Comics/Portfolios/Etc

andyssite: a swag comic/art/personal site

asterizmz: a swag oc/personal site

livingmachinations: a swag fanfiction/comic/personal site

rh0mbus0fruin: a swag art/oc/personal site

spiders: a swag video game/art/personal site

spiraledout: a swag video game/art site

storeyed: a swag art/oc/personal site
Bread on Fire: a swag fighting game oc/personal site
Ezamire: a swag worldbuilding site
iBISPAINTADVENTURES: a swag comic site
Jayzzz TV: a swag webcomic site
Mister Dizzy: a swag music/coding site

bootleg 64: a swag poetry/personal site

ceterumcenseo: a swag writing/art/personal site that is partially in german (i think)

zach-is-so-cool: a swag writing/personal site
No Happy Nonsense: a swag short fiction site
iscream15: a swag poetry/art/personal site
sunnydemonwerewolfrace: a swag personal/text game site
Weird Waves: a swag web site that catalogues audio horror of the 20th century

aclumpofmoss: a swag personal site

alienheadshitkid: a swag web site

astersarchive: a swag personal site

caitsith: a swag personal site

doqmeat: a swag personal site

dragons-mage: a swag personal site

world of ovengoats: a swag personal site

p2iimon: a swag personal site (or as he describes it, "currently pretty much just a blinkies website" which i mention bc i think that's funny)

slaid's beach: a swag personal site

snipchu: a swag personal site

webpagegirl: a swag personal site

3dsangel: a swag personal site
Adriennesite: a swag personal site
Cobblestone: a swag personal site
Eldritch-exorcist: a swag personal site
Helpmebbg: a swag personal site
Kittydoom: a swag web site
Luzho: a swag personal site
Prophetesque: a swag personal site
Skeletonspice: a swag personal site
and so many more to come..............