Noface's Shitty Poetry <3

"what the fuck is with that title." you ask. don't worry about it. you're welcome, noface. this is so cringe, but this is good for you.

this page, like all others on my site, uses american-style dating.

Ode To The Migraine (02/21/25)

past and future stretch befofe me as a flat horizon of pain
i am nothing, think of nothing, thanks to my badass migraine
writhing in bed, moaning like sex, wishing i could wash my mind
the time bends and warps and twists until i'm in its binds
i rise from bed, grab my head, hiss with unique dread
my stress and body work together to keep me stuck in bed.
i wish the world would move without me
i wish the world was dead
i wish the world would just be silent
or better, i was deaf
i want to go outside, i want to live and see the sun
"and yet," my head informs me, "that just cannot be done.
"simple girl," it says, its voice harsh and chiding,
"you spend your time ignoring me, so this time comes a-biding.
"we must sit here," says my head, "nothing but you and i.
"this is your simple punishment- no ifs, ands, buts, or whys.
"and yet you try to turn your cheek,
"you try to disappear.
"what you are forgetting, girl,
"is that i am always here.
"it's time for the performance!"
it cheers and claps and spins.
"it's time for you and me to see
"how we can really draw you in.
"first up- the world!
"or should i say the whorls?"
and as my mind announces this,
my bedroom starts to twirl.
my bed is a seafaring vessel,
i, a hapless prop.
i am strapped onto the deck
wishing the storm would stop.
faster and faster, it seems to spin,
driven by my brain's deep drum.
faster and faster, it does me in,
thankfully, making me numb.
the pain crescendos,
the violins shriek,
i feel my head split apart.
i sit up
i'm awake, i'm weak,
but i've braved the by-far worst part.

the migraine ends, the damage done,
drenched in sweat and sheets.
i rise from my grave, i go out in the streets,
i turn and face the sun.
i smile, i laugh, i skip and i play,
and suddenly it breaks.
because now of all the goddamn times-
i'm getting a stomachache.